I welcome any feedback you choose send my way and, I promise, you will not hurt my feelings! Let's go over what constructive feedback is just in case you aren't sure what to send me or how to word what it is you want to say. There is also a survey format below, if you would prefer.
- Constructive feedback is meant to encourage improvement.
- "Your writing sucks!" is not constructive - I have no way to know how I might make it less sucky.
- You need to proofread your writing or Your characters are boring/whiney/irritating; these I can address and fix.
- Your story was awesome! is technically not constructive either--though, I will feel warm and bubbly when I read it! --let me know what you loved about my writing.
- I really love how you described things or OMG xyz scene made me cry buckets; these tell me what I did well in my writing.